We encourage our users to invite others to Talkatone, since Talkatone to Talkatone calls and texts are free and unlimited.
You can send a Talkatone invite to your contacts by following these instructions.
On Talkatone for Android: Tap the Contacts icon. Then scroll down and select the Contact you wish to invite. Here you'll see a green box that says “Invite ”, tap "Invite". This will create a text to invite your contact. Send the text and you're done.
On Talkatone for iOS: Tap the Contacts icon. Tap on the Contact you wish to invite. You'll see the Invite to Talkatone link under the contact's Details. Tap the link. Then tap the Talkatone icon. This will create a text to invite your contact. Send the text and you're done.
Please watch this Video Tutorial on how to add others to Talkatone.
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